hypothetically, Jeremy Corbyn would become the next UK prime
minister, he should:
- Move fast, accelerate Brexit process in favor of his country.
- Upgrade NHS, increase budget for the healthcare sector, hire staff to cover huge gaps.
- Fully nationalize the central bank giving absolute control of the money supply to the state.
- Increase taxes for the super-rich, reduce taxes for the middle class.
- Reduce budget for the defence sector, withdraw British forces from countries who have become failed states due to the disastrous US policy.
- Provide the opportunity for free higher education to the British youth.
- Proceed in big public investments that could create thousands of new jobs.
- Fully nationalize the railways.
- Increase minimum wage, recover labor rights.
- Regulate the financial system and the labor market.
- Pass a bill that will include heavy penalties for private banks that are involved with financial speculation, forbid bailouts at the expense of the British taxpayers.
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