'Conspiracy Theory'?
With the
Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta,
very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s
maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of
Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful
corporate lobbyists in the world.
In this
episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin explores John Podesta’s
political rise, his vast network of corporate connections and his
think tank "Center for American Progress."
Among a lot
of interesting information, we find that John Podesta was
outrageously careless, to a suspicious degree, concerning his
electronic codes and stuff.
As Martin
The evidence
pointing to proving Putin was behind the emails is not evidence at
all. Only two intelligence agencies, the Office of the Director of
National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, have
issued a joint statement, used by the Clinton campaign as so-called
proof. Yet, it's purely speculative, saying the alleged hacks are
consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian directed
efforts. "Consistent with the methods" means not really
proof at all. The FBI also resisted getting behind the accusation on
the basis that the claim was inconclusive, but the media simply
repeat the claim as gospel.
The media
never mentioning the other logical ways Podesta's email could have
gotten out. For example, his username was his own name and his
password was literally 'password'. In 2015, he left his cell phone in
a cab. In March 2016, Podesta gave his email login to hackers, after
falling for phishing scam appearing to come from google.
The Clintons
are receiving tens of millions of dollars in donations from the
regimes of Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. But the
most scandalous, is that one of the biggest donors to the supposedly
progressive team, is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, currently
massacring dissidents in its own country, as well as, thousands of
Yemeni civilians. The Saudi regime funds the Clintons with at least
tens of millions of dollars. In 2015, the Saudi government also
started paying 140,000 dollars per month to the Podesta group.
emails and Podesta himself, show that the so-called progressive wing
of the establishment is really just a neoliberal insiders club of the
rich and powerful, loyally serve their corporate masters.
actually, it looks like Podesta was continuously inviting the hackers
to hack his emails!
the hacking of the emails, Hillary rushed to blame the Russians,
without even serious evidence that they were behind the hacking.
Hillary's anxiety was obvious, as she found an excuse to recall her
new dogma of counterattack to any cyberattacks, even through military
the final question is: how far the Clinton/Podesta complex would go
to find an excuse to blame Russia? If they would go as far as
exposing themselves through the leak of their emails, it means that
they are absolutely determined to move against Russia, even through
military action, and therefore, it means that they are extremely
paranoid and dangerous.
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