The news
media and advocates of the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
trade agreement have repeatedly described opponents of the deal as
“protectionist” or opposed to trade itself.
instance, after Donald Trump pressed Hillary Clinton to swear off
passage of the deal, the New York Times reported that Trump was
embracing “nationalistic anti-trade policies.” The Wall Street
Journal said Trump expressed “protectionist views.” President
Obama warned that you can’t withdraw “from trade deals” and
focus “solely on your local market.”
opposition to the TPP is not accurately described as opposition to
all trade, or even to free trade.
In fact, the
deal’s major impact would not come in the area of lowering tariffs,
the most common trade barriers. The TPP is more focused on crafting
regulatory regimes that benefit certain industries.
So the most
consequential parts of the deal would actually undermine the free
flow of goods and services by expanding some protectionist,
anti-competitive policies sought by global corporations.
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